As Jim Anchower would say, "Hola amigos. It's been a long time since I rapped at ya..." I knew one of the risks in publishing a blog online was the high likelihood that I would go prolonged periods without updating it. Sure enough, it's been almost six months since my last post. I think I have a fairly decent excuse though -- a new endeavor that took up a substantial amount of my free time...
The promise of science - follow up
I recently shared my most recent blog post on the promise of science with my good friend Adam, who happens to be one of the sharpest guys I know. I find his way of thinking to be very precise, methodical, and lucid, which appeals to my engineering-oriented mind. He also happens to have a law degree from Harvard, so you really need to stay on your toes and know your sh*t if you want to debate him...
The promise of science
As an engineer, I tend to take what I think is a pretty rational view of the world. When making an argument, I prefer to rely on established fact, rather than appealing to emotion. Thus, it probably comes as no surprise that I fall squarely in the "pro-science" camp. I believe science is unrivaled in its ability to inform our understanding of the world around us.
But lately I've been paying attention to a worrying trend that I think has been playing out in public discourse, especially political discourse...